Bringing a New Vision to the World
Leading Natural Vision Experts and Educators
from Around the World
Research Professor, University of Toulouse
Founder, ClearSight Method and Volver a Ver Claro
Global Trends in Natural Vision
Ainhoa de Federico holds a double Doctorate in Sociology (USTL - France, UPNA - Spain) and has been twice honored for her Doctoral dissertation. She is an expert in Experiential Integrative Clinical Sociology specializing in Natural Vision. Trained in the Body Mirror System of Healing, Gestalt Psychotherapy and several schools of Natural Vision. She has been a member of the Editorial Committee of prestigious scientific journals including International Sociology, The Bulletin of Sociological Methodology and Socio-Logos and has reviewed for many other scientific journals. She has been researching Natural Vision for more than 20 years and during that time has helped a growing number of participants around the world to improve their vision in a natural way. She currently teaches Natural Vision in the Masters of Health Education she directs at the University of Toulouse.
In 2016 she created Volver a Ver Claro the first online Natural Vision program in Spanish, which has served over 3 million people in 200 countries through free classes on Natural Vision Improvement. As the ClearSight Method, the program is available in English since 2021.
Vision Educator, Founder, Bates Method International/
Great Britain
History and Growth of Natural Vision Around the World
Kevin Wooding is an accomplished pianist, composer, Alexander Technique teacher, and Bates Method teacher, exploring effective ways that the mind and self can be brought to inner and outer peace, freeing thought and action from unconscious blocks. He created, the first website on the Bates Method in 1997, a concise information resource on the Method for the public and listing over 200 Vision Teachers in 40 countries and all seven continents. He has been documenting the spread of the Method and Natural Vision and also researching the history of the Method for 20 years – collecting data in collaboration with other vision educators and historians. Both interests combined make him the best connoisseur of the growth and spread of the Bates Method in the world throughout its history of over 100 years.
Osteopath, Author, Vision Educator
Natural Vision for Children
Orit Kruglanski was born in Tel Aviv (Israel) and currently lives in Barcelona, where she teaches the Bates Method of Natural Vision. She has written since she was a child. Before learning about the Bates Method, she wore glasses to correct 8 diopters of myopia. Her interest in the body's capacity of self-healing led her from osteopathy to discovering, practicing and teaching natural vision. Today she presents her book I See Well, a book on the Bates method for boys and girls. With this book, available in Spanish, French and English, she unites two of her greatest passions: writing and natural vision.
Natural Vision Educator, Teacher & Author
United States
Vision 2020 in the World
Ever since Nathan Oxenfeld improved his own vision naturally, he's been on a mission to help others do the same. He launched his YouTube channel in 2014, which now has more than 35,000 followers, and is the host of The Naked Eye Podcast and the Better Eyesight Podcast. He is the author of Give Up Your Glasses For Good: Holistic Eye Care for the 21st Century, which has taken him on several book tours to speak and teach workshops around the world. He is involved in groups like the Association of Vision Educators and the International Light Association. He produced the new documentary Vision 2020: From Eyesight To Insight in cooperation with Barry Auchettl, and is on a mission to raise awareness about holistic eye care around the globe.
Sigita Kriaučiūnienė
Vision Educator & Executive, Lithuanian Healthy Lifestyle Union
Vision Improvement for Families
Sigita Kriaučiūnienė had shortsightedness and almost -7 D glasses at age 18. She got rid of them thanks to the Bates method after 18 years of wearing glasses and has not used them again for the past 10 years. Since 2009 she has taught holistic methods of healthy lifestyle and works as the Vice President in one of the largest NGO‘s in Lithuania: Lithuanian Healthy Lifestyle Union In that context she has been organizing vision improvement camps since 2014 reaching hundreds of families with great success for many years and inviting some of the best teachers for Bates method and other natural vision improvement methods: Kevin Wooding, Elizabeth May or Meir Schneider (all participants in this year's Summit). She qualified as a Bates Teacher in 2018.
Founder, International Schools of Vision Education
The Impact of the Mind and Culture on Vision
Maurizio Cagnoli is one of the world's leading Visual Educators, having spent more than 30 years dedicated to promoting Natural Vision in the world. He discovered natural vision in India more than 30 years ago and was hooked. He has been co-founder and president of the Italian Association of Visual Educators (AIEV) and co-founder of the Spanish Association of Visual Educators (VEA). Founder of his own School for Vision Educators in Italy. Founder and director of the Bates School of Barcelona, the first School of Visual Educators in the Spanish language, co-director of the Bates School of Madrid, promoter of the Argentine School of Visual Educators OPTO x VER. Maurizio Cagnoli, due to his training as a sociologist, his research and his travel experiences, is a great connoisseur of the impact of cultures, the mind and emotions on vision.
Founding Faculty Member, Vision Educator Training Institute
United States
From Orthoptist to Natural Vision Educator
Rosemary Gaddum Gordon has been helping people to see more easily since 1968 when she qualified as orthoptist. In 1973 she met a Bates teacher who challenged her beliefs. In 1981 she received a Masters degree in Vision Therapy from Lesley College in Cambridge. She studied Gestalt Psychotherapy and Vision; her thesis explored the application of psychophysical therapy on myopia. In 1985 Rosemary collaborated in the development of an in-house workshop for people who work on computers, to help relieve their eye and back strain. She is a member of the Association of Vision Educators and a founding member of the faculty for The Vision Educator Training Institute.
Optometrist and Dean of the College of Syntonic Optometry
United States
From Neuroscience to Natural Vision
Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D, practices optometry using a unique combination of neurobehavioral optometry training, Bates exercises, pepper-stress trampoline training, bodywork therapy, and syntonic phototherapy. In addition to his private optometry practice, he served on the faculties of several universities, two psychiatric hospitals, and a low vision clinic. He is the Dean of the Syntonic College of Optometry, he has been the research editor for Brain / Mind Bulletin. In 1971, he cured his myopia using Bates' practices. In 1976 he invented a presbyopia / hyperopia reduction exercise (the Reading Without Glasses Method). His Ph.D. Dissertation was A Neuropsychology of Myopia (1978), dealing with neuroscientific support for Bates's theories, plus he has published many journal articles and book chapters.
Since retiring from the practice of optometry in 2011, Dr. Gottlieb has been reading, writing, and lecturing on the science of natural and holistic approaches to mental, physical, and visual wellness.
Natural Vision Educator, Founder & Author, Visions of Joy
United States / The Netherlands
Optimal Eyesight: How to restore and maintain great vision
Esther Joy van der Werf has been fascinated by eyesight for the past two decades - how vision works, why it fails and tends to get worse, and what can be done about that, naturally! She reversed her own myopia in just two weeks and ever since then she has been helping people world-wide overcome their visual challenges. She has written several books about natural vision improvement – Bates Method Nuggets, Read Without Glasses at Any Age and most recently: Optimal Eyesight. She is the co-host with Nathan Oxenfeld of the popular podcast, Better Eyesight, a monthly podcast that reads Dr. William Bates' entire catalogue of Better Eyesight magazines and provides modern commentary on the topic of natural vision improvement and holistic eye care.
Vision Therapist and Founder, Vision Yoga
Natural Vision in India: Yoga for the Eyes
Viram Agrawal studied and researched at the Sri Aurobindo School for Perfect Eyesight after which he designed his own course, exercise tools, techniques and material. He designed his unique course called "Vision Yoga" by synthesizing the methods of Dr. Bates and Dr. R. S. Agrawal with Acupressure and Massage. Since 1997, guided by his mission to provide “Better Eyesight at Any Age", he has educated over 25.000 people on restoring, maintaining and improving their natural vision. He has held talks and workshops at internationally acclaimed institutes and social welfare organizations, and has been a speaker at the World Conference of Alternative Medicine in the year 2008.
Today, his Vision Yoga center supports people from all walks of life, all ages and all parts of the world to have better eyesight. He has over 18,000 testimonials of successful cases and his participants are his best ambassadors spreading the word about this unique holistic method of vision improvement.
Vision-Coach and Magic-Therapist
Founder, Institute for Vision and Knowledge
The Incredible Lightness of Seeing
Judith Bolz has been a trained eye trainer by Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer for over 30 years. She is trained in NLP, Hypnosis and Magic Therapy. For 25 years has been working with companies and in private practice on the subject of self and stress management with a focus on vision. One of the foundations of her work is the knowledge that good eyesight is related to physical lightness and looseness, and is determined by a stable emotional and mental state. This common thread runs through all of her seminars and individual coaching. She is the author of Keep Your Head Up And See Clearly - Seven Keys for Parents, Educators and Teachers to Accompany Children in Digital Times for parents and kids.
Founder, Institute of Training and Therapy of Vision
Natural Vision in Schools and Sports
Mikołaj Markiewicz is a psychologist, vision trainer and therapist, creator of the Vision Training Method and founder of the Institute of Training and Therapy of Vision, where he conducts trainings, workshops and multi-day camps since 1995.
He is a pioneer in developing the prevention of myopia in Poland and is the author of a 15-episode television series about eye exercises for children. He was a co-organizer of the first conference in Poland on the prevention of myopia. In 1999, he worked on improving selected aspects of the eyesight of the players of the Polish National Men's Volleyball Team. He is the co-author of the book Visual Perception in Sports: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Implications, and currently trains 70 member in one of the Polish junior football clubs. He has been working on improving vision for nearly 40 years. He works in Poland, Western Europe and the USA. He is a member of the Association of Vision Educators.
Behavioral Optometrist, Self-Healing Instructor & Vision Educator
The Dance of Self Healing
From being a dancer and a historian, Fernanda Leite became a Self-Healing instructor and practitioner, specializing in vision education after meeting Meir Schneider in 1992. After meeting Dr. Raymond Gottlieb in 2003, a holistic optometrist, who worked with the very powerful technique of Syntonics Phototherapy she decided to study optometry to become a Syntonist. In 2014 she got a degree in Behavioral Optometry and in 2015 she was given the degree of Fellow of the College of Syntonic Optometry. She has learned different paths in vision rehabilitation, and has collected diverse valuable tools to her toolbox. However, the philosophy that guides her therapeutic thinking comes from the Self-Healing Method.
Natural Vision Educator, Founder Eye-Tools Eye School
The Netherlands
A Playful Approach to Stimulating Your Eyes Everyday
Peter Ruiter is a trained Vision Teacher. After solving his -5 degrees myopia and getting rid of glasses and lenses, he has devoted 31 years to creating innovative exercise material he has created for vision training. His ingenious inventions are a combination of his practical approach as an engineer, his creativity as a student of the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague and his in depth research and holistic development in various health areas such as Yoga, Healing Tao and Bates’ Method. The basic mood behind everything is the joyful passing on of experience, strength and hope and spreading the Art of Seeing.
Since 2003 he has been successfully passing on what he has learned to his vision students in private lessons and workshops in the school he founded called Eye-Tools. To mention some of these motivational tools: colored, cheerful eye patches, eyesight training cards, the eye lollipop, a three-dimensional tool. For everyone who likes to be reminded of eye games every day, Peter has created objects for daily meals that are printed with eye games, e.g. Drinking cups or a place mat for the dining table.
Founder, Vision Training Institute
United States
The Lineage of Dr. William Bates
Jerriann Taber Ph.D. has been in the healing arts for more than 50 years, and is one of the last to have received the original training course as taught by ophthalmologist, Dr. Wm. H. Bates himself.
She has been the owner/director of the Vision Training Institute LLC near San Diego, CA since 1971, teaching the Dr. Bates Method of Vision Training. She has successfully worked with literally thousands of people with all vision problems, nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (presbyopia), astigmatism, hyperopia, amblyopia, nystagmus, macular degeneration, glaucoma, strabismus, cataract, ptosis (drooping eyelid), bells’ palsy, eye fatigue, headaches, dry eyes, light sensitivity and computer eyestrain for over 40+ years.
Her vision expertise comes from the original training that she received as handed down from Dr. Bates. She has added her own personal expertise with a background in psychology, Reichian Therapy and self study groups for many years, dealing with emotions as they come up with students. She is also a hypnotherapist and does healing work with the Rapid Healing Technique which she developed through inspiration.
Optometrist, Vision Scientist, Author, Inventor
United States
The Art of Seeing, The Art of Being
Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman is a pioneer in the fields of light, vision and consciousness, and the author of Luminous Life: How The Science Of Light Unlocks The Art Of Living, Light: Medicine Of The Future, Take Off Your Glasses And See, and Wisdom From An Empty Mind. Originally trained as an optometrist and vision scientist, his life changed in 1976 after the miraculous healing of his own eyesight, leading him to a deeper understanding of light and the science of life. Having helped countless individuals recover their eyesight, he began to understand the words of Jonathan Swift, “Real vision is the ability to see the invisible.”
Dr. Liberman earned a Doctorate of Optometry from Southern College of Optometry, a Ph.D. in Vision Science from the College of Syntonic Optometry, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Science from the Open International University for Complementary Medicines. He is the Past President of the College of Syntonic Optometry and the International Society For The Study Of Subtle Energies And Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM), and a Fellow Emeritus of the American Academy of Optometry, College of Syntonic Optometry, College of Optometrists in Vision Development, and International Academy of Color Sciences.
Holistic Vision Improvement Expert & Founder, My Holistic Vision United States/Germany
3 Principles of Healthy Mind & Vision
Prior to becoming a Bates Method Teacher, Claudia Muehlenweg was a graphic designer with one of the top advertising firms in Germany, a field where good vision and perfect color perception are a necessity. As a child though, she wore glasses. Like many children with poor vision, Claudia felt socially awkward, hated not being able to see perfectly and to make things worse, wearing glasses increased her blurry, as did the merciless teasing in school. She got rid of them thanks to the Bates Method and could pursue her studies and graphic designer career.
In early 2010, Claudia became a Certified Bates Method Teacher by the College of Vision Education in London, UK with direct lineage to Dr. Bates through Margaret Montgomery and a focus on binocularity through Aileen Whiteford.
Currently she is leading the Grow Your Practice Online coaching group with Nathan Oxenfeld teaching vision teachers how to use educational online marketing to spread the word about Natural Vision and serve larger worldwide audiences.
Holistic Vision Educator & Author, Founder, Eye Power
Inside Out: Improving Inner & Outer Vision
Barry Auchettl is one of Australia’s most qualified vision educators, whose passion is awakening the Vision in others. He founded Eye Power in 1997 after personally overcoming the need for corrective lenses. He has a Masters of Education focusing on the detrimental effects computers have on eyesight, and was the keynote speaker at the Vision Educators Conference in Los Angeles in 2015. He is author of One Vision, Eye Power, Open Your Eyes and The Scan Charts.
He is also an international speaker, facilitator, radio host, and Vision Mentor specialized in clearing sabotages and core issues. Barry specializes in combining business skills, healing modalities, intuition and muscle testing. He created Light Body Alignment as a way of clearing unconscious sabotages in seconds. He has a deep and genuine passion to assist mankind, to make a difference in the world, and in the lives of each person he touches.
Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Vice President, ASOLEA
The Impact of Posture on Vision
Dr. Florencia Milanese is a Pediatric Ophthalmologist, specializing in uveitis and strabismus correction. She has focused on Natural Vision and its relationship to posture for years. She is Vice President of the Argentine Association for Visual Education (ASOLEA), participates in the training program of the Argentina School of Natural Vision OptoXVer and has been co-organizer of the 1st Latin American Congress of Holistic Vision in February 2020.
Holistic Optometrist, Acupuncturist & Founder,
United States
An Integrative Medical Approach to Vision
Marc Grossman is a Doctor of Optometry and New York State Licensed Acupuncturist. He is best described as a Holistic Eye Doctor, dedicated to helping people with conditions ranging from myopia and dry eyes to potentially vision threatening diseases such as macular degeneration and glaucoma. His combined multi-disciplinary approach using nutrition, eye exercises, lifestyle changes and Chinese Medicine provides him with a wide array of tools and approaches to tackle difficult eye problems.
Dr. Grossman is a sought after lecturer on topics such as Natural Vision Improvement and is the co-author of several books: International best seller Magic Eye Beyond 3D: Improve Your Vision, Greater Vision – A Comprehensive Program for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Clarity, Natural Eye Care – A Comprehensive Manual for Practitioners of Oriental Medicine, and his most recent book Natural Eye Care – Your Guide to Healthy Vision.
The philosophy of Dr. Grossman’s practice is based on the belief that vision is not static and it need not degenerate. Vision has the ability to improve, and there are practical alternatives for helping vision without resorting to eye glasses, contact lenses, or submitting to surgery. He is a co-founder of, the largest consumer eyecare resource of its kind.
Behavioral Optometrist, College of Syntonic Optometry
United States
The Mechanics of Vision
Dr. Larry B. Wallace, O.D., Ph. D., is a behavioral optometrist who has practiced for more than 40 years. He is a Doctor of Optometry and has a Ph.D. in Ocular Phototherapy. He has worked extensively in the field of optometric neuro-rehabilitation, postural restoration and treatment of head trauma and brain injury, and has lectured and taught countless workshops around the world in the field of phototherapy and rehabilitative optometry.
Dr. Wallace is a founding member and served as President of the International Light Association. He has served as President for 14 years for the College of Syntonic Optometry, an organization dedicated to education and research in the field of light and color therapy. He has been the Director of Education for The College of Syntonic optometry, creating the curriculum and arranging the speakers for the Annual Conference on Light and Vision for over 20 years. He has invented and patented the first micro-current device to treat eye disease in the United States. He participated in clinical trials and helped design protocols for treating macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. He has published numerous articles and research on phototherapy. He has conducted and published a number of studies involving neurology and light therapies.
He currently practices in an integrative clinic working closely with physical therapists and neuro-rehabilitative optometric therapy.
Ana Paula Figueiredo
Occupational Therapist & Self-Healing Instructor, Center of Calatonia
Relaxation, Self-Care and Vision
Ana Paula Figueiredo is an Occupational Therapist who graduated at University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) in 1983 and she specialized in Psychological Kinesiology (Calatonia). She was later trained by Meir Schneider in San Francisco and Brazil and became a Self-Healing Method Instructor and therapist. For 30 years, she has been working with individuals and groups and for 23 years with the Meir Schneider – Self-Healing Method.
She currently teaches Self-Healing courses in Brazil and Calatonia courses and workshops with Fernando Cortese in England and Italy. She also works at the São Joaquim Association of Maturity Support, where she provides group care for the elderly promoting visual health. At the School of Public Health of University of São Paulo, Figueiredo takes part in research with groups that receive care concerning vision health, pain and movement limitation.
Ophthalmologist and Founder, Human Photosynthesis Research Center
Human Photosynthesis: Energy, Light and Your Eyes
Dr. Arturo Solís Herrera, MD, PhD., graduated in 1978 from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional in Mexico City as a Doctor in Medicine, specialising in Ophthalmology at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and in Neuro-Ophthalmology, at the Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía, México. Later on he obtained his Master of Science Degree from the University of Aguascalientes, México, and deepened his training and research by completing a PhD in Pharmacology at the University of Guadalajara, México.
Since 2007, Dr. Solís Herrera has served as the founder and director of the Human Photosynthesis Research Center, in Aguascalientes, México, where he has continued his groundbreaking research on the processes of human photosynthesis through the melanin present in the retina by the optic nerve.
Founder and Director, School of Self Healing
United States / Ukraine
From Legally Blind to Driving without Glasses
Meir Schneider is a Doctor of Healing Arts, founder and director of the School of Self-Healing in San Francisco, USA Author of 6 books, he was born blind from congenital cataracts in 1954 to deaf parents. After 5 failed operations on his eyes, which left him with multiple scars, glaucoma, cataracts, squint, and nystagmus, his doctors claimed there was nothing to do and declared him permanently legally blind. Then he learned to read braille. At 17 years old, a friend shared the Bates Method with him and began his improvement process.
Transcending opposition and skepticism from family members and doctors, Meir practiced with determination, sometimes up to 13 hours a day, until at the age of 28, he was able to obtain a driver's license without glasses with 70% normal vision. Using the Bates Method as a foundation, Meir Schneider has developed multiple exercises and created his own school in San Francisco. He has been invited several times to give lectures on his story of overcoming and his methods in Spain, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Curaçao, Portugal, Israel, the United Kingdom, Germany, Hungary, Australia and 32 states in the United States.
Dr. Schneider’s new book, Awakening Your Power for Self Healing, contains a wealth of knowledge on stress reduction, healthy living, holistic health, and treatments for specific ailments and diseases.
Visual Trainer and Somatic Educator Founder, ECOLE DE LA VUE
France / UK
The importance of neurophysiology for vision
Nina Hutchings trained in the Bates Method Vision Education, in London at the School of Vision Education. For more than 20 years she has been teaching the tools which allow the awareness of the visual functioning specific to each person.
Since 2011, she has been organizing Professional Trainings that prepare participants to teach the Bates Method and Vision Education in France. She is also part of the teaching team responsible for vocational training in the Bates Method in Spain, regularly attending this school in Madrid.
She is also trained in Somatic Experiencing® S.E., a psycho-corporal approach to resolving post-traumatic stress disorder promoting the reorganization of the Autonomous Nervous System disorganized by its response to traumatic events. This approach helps in various visual problems. She is also trained in Neurosensory and Motor® Rebalancing in 2010. It handles the persistence of primitive reflexes and sensory hypersensitivity in children with learning difficulties at school and with attention and restlessness disorders. The aim of both techniques is to recreate fluid and appropriate movement by creating bridges between the body, brain and the visual nervous system.
The Eyebody Method
New Zealand / Germany / United States
Integrating Eyes, Brain, Body and Consciousness
Peter Grunwald, author of best-selling book ‘Eyebody – the art of integrating eye, brain and body – and letting go of glasses forever’ developed a world-wide learning and teaching method simultaneously improving eyesight, body posture and transforming emotional attachments into spiritual attributes associated with visual dysfunctions and the organ of the eyes.
For the past 30 years he has explored the relationships between body posture, movement and visual dysfunction. Unique to his method is the discovery that every single area of the visual system corresponds with an associated area in the body and the brain. Specific vision malfunctions such as short and farsightedness, astigmatism, middle aged vision (presbyopia), squints and lack of binocular vision, as well as glaucoma or cataracts are linked to specific tensions and contractions in the body and have an emotional, mental and spiritual association.
The Eyebody Method unravels and allows deep insights into our visual system while applying the principles in daily activities such as reading, computing, driving and more. His introductory courses are online, and his retreats
of practices and teachings are available in 10 countries and multiple
languages. He resides in New Zealand, teaches in North and soon South
America, Europe, Asia and Australia/New Zealand. His writings and online courses are published in English, German, Japanese and soon in Spanish and Italian.
Natural Vision Teacher
Great Britain
Seeing Things As They Are: How Thoughts Affect Perception
Lizzie May has been a full-time Bates Instructor for more than 20 years, working with clients of all ages – from 3 to 94! – in London and internationally. She was drawn to Dr. Bates’ work because she hated wearing glasses and was aware of a family history of three generations of glaucoma and cataract on the maternal side. She also had had a divergent squint and at the age of six, and was unable to learn to read i.e. she could see the letters but they made no sense. She was so impressed and impassioned by the Method that after she had dispensed with lenses, she decided to embrace that profession for life!
Today she works with children with squint (strabismus) and other eye conditions and in her long diverse experience, she has found that cultural and environmental factors can also influence eyesight as much as visual habits and lifestyle.
Natural Vision Teacher, Wellness Coach & Creator, Better Eyesight Now
United States
EFT Tapping and Emotional Release to Improve Your Vision
Greg Marsh graduated from college as a chemical engineer. Extremely nearsighted, he started learning the Bates Method of eyesight improvement through books, had some improvements, but found it difficult to absorb the necessary understanding from books. Greg sought out Natural Vision Teachers in the US and in time he became a certified teacher himself.
Greg is a fun and inspiring instructor. His teaching approach is encouraging and sincere, yet playful. Greg’s unique mix of training helps him get across essential points to a wide audience. He has a degree in chemical engineering, experience in technical writing, studied and taught martial arts and mediation for , years, and has studied various alternative health approaches including massage, hypnotherapy, EFT, and EMDR.
Natural Vision Improvement and the Bates Method have been his passionate interest for years. Greg is certified as a Natural Vision Teacher and Wellness Coach who has helped thousands of people improve their eyesight through his CD programs, workshops, and personal Vision Coaching.
Natural Vision Educator & Trainer Academy of Healthy Living
Feeling the Body: Relaxation, presence and quantum healing
Sylvia Gelman is a trained computer scientist. She is also an expert for relaxed vision, holistic vision trainer, breathing meditation and Matrix-Inform user. She completed her training with Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer and Marina Montiel (Spain) ongoing training on the subject of vision with internationally known trainers. She has been an Alexander Technique student for many years, thereby expanding her body awareness. She is a volunteer group leader of an Eckhart Tolle group - Practice life in the now. She currently heads an eye school in Dieburg, Germany, and works as a freelance eye trainer both in companies and with private individuals on site and online.
In addition to her mother tongue German, she also speaks Spanish, English and Hebrew. She thinks vision training should be fun and easy, we always have everything we need with us. Her motto is "See more with a relaxed sight".
Natural Vision Improvement Teacher
Turning the Tide: Natural Vision and the Myopia Epidemic in Asia
Loy Chye Bin has been interested in natural vision improvement since age 18 but was completely unaware about the existence of Bates works or holistic vision. Through a concerted effort wanting to solve his personal myopia problem he was motivated to look for a solution. 40 years ago he discovered Dr William Bates through his book Better Eyesight Without Glasses. Armed with this knowledge and experience, he has devoted his life to impart to anyone who cares to know but most important on how to practice. Today, aware of the epidemic of myopia in Asia, he teaches Natural Vision Improvement classes, organizes community education events and works with students throughout Singapore.
Director, Better Vision
South Africa
I Can See Clearly Now: Focus and Clarity of Vision
Christopher Lane began teaching the Bates Method for computer users in 1994. A year later he was interviewed for a Radio Health program about restoring eyesight, bringing the Bates Method to a wide audience in South Africa. In 2001 he began giving weekend workshops to groups, and today he has worked with more than 3500 visually-challenged people and has led more than 20 workshops.Using his skills as a designer and Bates teacher, Christopher is also researching the nature of relaxed 3D panoramic vision, leading to the creation of innovative vision tools and games. He is currently engaged with colleagues from around the world; pioneering equipment and chart work for different eyesight conditions to fast-track restoration of (Optimum) clear dynamic relaxed focusing eyesight habits.
Your Host for NaturalVision 2020
Dr. Ainhoa de Federico
Dr. Ainhoa de Federico is a research professor at the University of Toulouse (France), and Director of the International Center for Vision Coaching., affiliated with the International University in Human Development and Leadership in Mexico City.
She is one of the world's leading experts in natural vision education, and the creator of the leading Spanish-language natural vision program, Volver a ver Claro, now available in English as the ClearSight Method,
In 2023, she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate for her contribution to the betterment of humanity, in recognition of her outstanding achievements and broad contributions in the fields of natural vision improvement and holistic health and healing.
Under her guidance, the ClearSight Method serves as the foundation for the first natural vision program to be offered at the university level, with a degree program for Vision Coaching at the International University of Human Development and Leadership (IUHDL). Officially recognized by the Ministry of Public Education in Mexico, it is the only degree program in the world to train professionals for a career in natural vision improvement and education.
During her 20 years of experience, more than 4 million people in nearly 200 countries have participated in her in-person and online courses and trainings in English, French and Spanish.
His deepest desire is to inspire 20 million people to see clearly with their own eyes and to create a cascading global movement for clarity until it penetrates into public education systems so that everyone can see clearly again.
Bringing a New Vision to the World
Neither ClearSight Method nor Ainhoa de Federico perform diagnoses or prescribe treatments, lenses or operations that are reserved for the medical profession. Natural vision practices do not replace the advice of the ophthalmologist or optician, being a complementary option. The opinions and practices expressed here have shown positive results in a large number of cases, proving to be a useful and effective visual improvement option, although under no circumstances do they imply a guarantee of results. The practice and application are under the responsibility of the participants. This product is not a substitute for a professional medical advice. Always consult a physician for health-related issues. This product does not guarantee results. Any reference to the performance of a strategy should not be interpreted as a guarantee of results.
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